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Showing 14418 Webcasts & Webinars Results

Promote Internal Whistleblowing and Succeed in Creating a Strong Speak Up Culture



1.00 Credits

The Department of Justice updated guidance regarding their evaluations of Corporate Compliance Programs in March 2023: “Prosecutors should assess whether the company’s complaint-handling process includes proactive measures to create a workplace atmosphere without fear of retaliation, appropriate processes for the submission of complaints, and processes to protect whistleblowers.” This course offers recommendations for employers to consider when developing or augmenting an internal complaint handling process. Organizations benefit when whistleblowers trust the process and choose to promptly report their concerns internally. The measures offered promote a strong speak up culture and align with the Department of Justice's guidance. 

Appreciation Intelligence: The New AI



1.00 Credits

Appreciation affects your bottom line and your workplace culture. Don’t think so? Think again! Your customers, clients, and co-workers want and need to know they are appreciated. How do you show them appreciation? You show them in their preferred appreciation style.  You have a bias for how you like to receive appreciation, and so do the people with whom you work. In this program, we will build on the research of Gary Chapman and Paul White on appreciation languages – words, time, service, and gifts.  Appreciation is a skill and practice that promises to influence your work life positively. You will experience strategies you can employ in your day-to-day lives to improve your team culture and manage work relationships.

Balancing Employee and Employer Rights



1.40 Credits

Leaders have the right to exercise customary management functions.  Employees have the right to be kept free from discrimination.  Neither employer rights nor employee rights are absolute.  The courts are equally protective of the rights of employees and employers.  A courtroom is the wrong place for anyone to find this out.  This course provides practical knowledge on how to effectively balancing these two sets of rights, such that employees and leaders stay out of court. Employers avoid lawsuits, rather than win lawsuits.

Accounting Fraud & Embezzlement: Case Studies from the Trenches



2.00 Credits

Governmental entities are the second largest victims of embezzlement.  This seminar examines recent events involving the theft of public money and the circumstances that allowed the fraud to occur.  We will be looking at a variety of case studies to illustrate these points.  

Cost of Capital: What it is and How to Use it



2.00 Credits

Every business needs capital, and capital has a cost. Providers of debt and equity demand a return and the combination is the cost of capital for the business. This session discusses how to calculate the cost of capital, how to use it to make superior business decisions every day and some common ways organizations misuse this number. Who should understand your organization’s cost of capital? Even if you are not yet the CFO, you need to thoroughly understand the cost of capital and its use. The cost of capital allows managers to, “Get the biggest bang for the buck.” If you want to enhance your corporate finance skills, this session is for you.

Surgent's Guide to Calculating S Corporation Shareholder Stock and Loan Basis



2.00 Credits

This program discusses, in a practical way, how an S corporation shareholder calculates their stock and loan basis on Form 7203. Form 7203 is the IRS Form on which a shareholder is sometimes required to calculate their stock and loan basis. This topic is particularly important when an S corporation has a loss and the shareholders wish to know whether they are entitled to fully utilize the loss that has been allocated to them against their other income.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Marijuana: A Generalized Business Viewpoint



2.00 Credits

Each year, more states legalize cannabis (i.e., marijuana) for medical or recreational purposes. As legalization grows, so too does the cannabis industry. While some financial professionals have stayed away from this growing sector of the economy, others have embraced the opportunities the cannabis industry has to offer. The legalization of cannabis brings with it a complex regulatory landscape, which includes strict compliance with federal and state regulations. However, the complexity of this emerging market provides opportunities for accountants and other financial professionals. Behind the cannabis dispensaries are scores of related business sectors including food production, retail, farming, and chemical production, as well as facilities, design, and construction. Simply stated, the commercialization of marijuana offers financial professionals an opportunity to participate in an industry expected to reach $73 billion worldwide within six years.

Measuring Audit Risks



3.00 Credits

In order not to perform an excessive number of audit procedures (over audit) auditors must perform procedures in order to determine in what areas are there weak internal controls that could result in a risk that the financial statements would be materially misstated and not be detected.  SAS No. 122, AU 300 – 499, Measuring Audit Risk provides guidance as well as required procedures that must be performed in every audit in order to determine the risk of material misstatement.  No longer can the auditor state that they assess the risk of material misstatement at maximum without having a basis for making such assessment.  As a result, the standards now require that the auditor make such an assessment of a material misstatement of the financial statement on every audit in order to have a basis for such assessment.  This program is an overview of the statement documentation requirements in assessing such a risk.

Business Consulting for CPAs



4.00 Credits

Does your firm have interest in expanding its’ services beyond traditional CPA services?  Do you have staff with the expertise to compete against non-CPA firms? Welcome to a course that will lead you through the maze of creating a successful Consulting Business Practice for your CPA firm. The course will help you understand: where consulting business opportunities exist, what are the firm’s professional responsibilities and most importantly how to recognize the needs of the client.

The Art of Marketing for CPAs



4.00 Credits

To make more money in less time, all accountants need to learn to market themselves effectively to their clients or their firm. For better or worse, promotions and more money go to those who are the best marketers, rather than the most competent accountants.  In this fascinating and fun workshop, participants will learn seven key ways to get more clients and/or promotions through the art of marketing.

IRAs - Contributions & Distributions for Traditional, Roth, SEP & SIMPLE IRAs



8.00 Credits

This comprehensive training is designed to get the accountant up to speed quickly with the different types of individual retirement accounts (IRAs). The cornerstone of the course is an in-depth coverage of the contribution and distribution rules to the Traditional, Roth, Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) and Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE) IRAs. The course will also discuss the basics of the health savings account (HSA) as well as any newly enacted tax legislation related to IRAs. **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

K2's 2024 Excel PivotTables for Accountants



8.00 Credits

Isn’t it time you learned about PivotTables – Excel’s best feature? If so, participate in this session to learn PivotTables from A to Z to take full advantage of this terrific tool's many benefits.

The ABCs of Advisory Services



2.00 Credits

Over the next decade, the area of “Advisory Services” has the greatest potential for growth in your practice.  Complexities within your clients’ financial, estate, and asset protection plans coupled with the ever-changing Internal Revenue Code has created an opportunity for the CPA, the EA, and other advisors to expand their client offerings. This course provides the practitioner with the framework for practice expansion as well as an understanding of a variety of necessary issues and techniques.  

Leverage to Create Data Analysis for Others



2.00 Credits

Unlock the full potential of data analytics with our specialized course, "Leverage to Create Data Analysis for Others". This two-hour, intensive training is specifically designed to empower professionals in harnessing the powerful features of Microsoft Whether you're a data analyst, business intelligence professional, or someone keen on mastering data visualization and report creation, this course is your gateway to becoming a proficient Power BI user. Dive into the dynamic world of data analytics and learn to transform raw data into visually compelling stories that drive decision-making. Our expertly crafted program offers a deep dive into the essentials of, starting with a comprehensive tour of its interface and core concepts. You'll gain experience in connecting to diverse data sources, creating stunning visualizations, and building interactive dashboards that communicate insights effectively. The course also covers the innovative Q&A feature of, allowing you to explore data with natural language queries. By mastering the art of sharing datasets, reports, and dashboards, and creating comprehensive apps, you'll be equipped to deliver top-tier data analysis solutions to colleagues and clients alike. Through this course, attendees will gain a deep understanding of how to leverage the platform to disseminate datasets, reports, and dashboards, catering to the specific needs of their audience. Our course is tailored for those who aspire to lead in the data-driven landscape, offering not just theoretical knowledge but real-world applications. Upon completion, participants will not only have a thorough understanding of but also the confidence to apply this tool in creating impactful data analysis for diverse audiences. Join us to elevate your professional skillset, make data-driven decisions with ease, and add a valuable credential to your portfolio. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Monthly Federal Tax Updates - November 2024



2.00 Credits

Seismic changes in tax legislation is currently taking place, and the well-informed tax practitioner will want to attend this two hour monthly program in order to stay abreast of these developments! Approximately one-half of the program is devoted to individual tax issues, and the remaining time is spend on business entity taxation, IRS procedure, tax legislation and other issues. Due to the changing nature of the topic, learning objectives, course descriptions and program content will vary and will be provided in more specificity closer to presentation time. This course provides a concise look at the hottest topics affecting every tax practitioner. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

K2's 2023 Automating Your Tax Practice



4.00 Credits

Automating the tax practice is – or should be – a major initiative of almost all public accounting firms today. From ingesting data, processing returns, distributing draft and final copies, and billing and collecting fees, practitioners have outstanding opportunities to automate their tax practice. Those that choose to automate will experience the benefits of reduced staff turnover, increased productivity and efficiency, fewer errors, and improved cash flow. Participate in this session to learn the “how’s and why’s” of automating your tax practice. This session includes critical topics such as hardware and software options, workflows, and security and privacy issues. Plan to join us in this session to position your tax practice for greater success! 

The Role of Internal Control in the Risk-Based Audit



4.00 Credits

This program addresses the role of client internal controls for balancing efficiency and effectiveness in a risk-based audit. Practical insights regarding an auditor's assessment of the risk of material misstatement when auditing financial statements of non-issuers will be explored, with particular emphasis on internal controls of small-to-medium clients. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available for your questions during the event.

K2's 2023 Microsoft 365/Office 365 - All The Things You Need To Know



8.00 Credits

Microsoft 365/Office 365 continues to grow and evolve, yet most utilize only a fraction of the tools available in their subscription. For example, powerful resources such as SharePoint Online and audio and video conferencing can change how your organization communicates and collaborates. In contrast, more personal apps such as Teams, Planner, Flow, and Sway allow individuals to work more efficiently and effectively in virtually all facets of their jobs. Further, security enhancements to Office 365 mean that your organization can take advantage of all these features in a highly secure environment.  Isn’t it time you learned how to move beyond the traditional Microsoft 365/Office 365 applications such as Excel, Word, and Outlook and unleash all your subscription offers? Join us in this fast-paced and highly interactive seminar where you will learn what you need to know to succeed with Microsoft 365/Office 365.

2024 Comprehensive Estate Planning: Administration & Postmortem Strategies



8.00 Credits

Navigating the complexities of estate and trust administration is a vital skill for professionals, who play an integral role in the administration team. This comprehensive course is designed to equip professionals with a thorough understanding of their responsibilities and the processes involved in estate administration, enhancing their ability to address estate settlement issues effectively. Participants will be provided with a detailed overview of the professional’s role in estate and trust administration, emphasizing practical insights and strategies for managing assets, addressing the legitimacy of debts and creditors, and ensuring the proper distribution of assets. **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

2025 Individual Tax Update: Form 1040 Essentials



8.00 Credits

Looking to stay ahead in tax matters? Join our 2025 Individual Tax Update course for an essential deep dive into Form 1040 essentials. Designed for tax pros eager to sharpen their skills, this course unpacks recent tax code changes and equips you with the know-how to navigate them effortlessly. From mastering IRS Form 1040 to leveraging new tax benefits, you'll emerge ready to optimize returns for your clients while staying compliant with the latest regulations. Don't miss out on this opportunity to boost your expertise and ensure financial success for both you and your clients! **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to