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K2's 2023 Accessing And Managing Data In Excel



4.00 Credits

For many business professionals, accessing and managing data in Excel is one of the biggest stumbling blocks when creating reports and analyses. Common practices include far too many manual processes and formulas, including never-ending manual processes needed to update your data and related reports. Make plans now to join us in this session to learn best practices for accessing and managing data using Excel. In this session, you will learn how you can use Power Query and other Excel tools to quickly access and manipulate your data and generate reports in record time! This is a “must-see” session for any business professional working with Excel!    

Power BI - Analyze Your Data With Excel Pivot Tables



4.00 Credits

* This course is #3 in the Microsoft Power BI series of webinars. Click button in Program Content section below to see suggested viewing order. * Excel is a popular tool for data analysis, yet most users have never learned the basics of data analysis using Excel or the tools that Excel offers to help with data analysis. This session is designed to teach participants the importance of PivotTables for analyzing data. We will demonstrate how PivotTables can make data analyzation an easy task for all accountants. Participants will learn the step-by-step process to create PivotTables and PivotCharts. We will also cover all the setup options and features. This session is presented using Excel 2019/Office 365. Regardless of the version you are using, most concepts covered in this course apply to all versions of Excel. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

I Spy with My Little Eye ... an Illegality



1.00 Credits

In the fight against global corruption, accountants are being asked to be more forthcoming when they discover information or evidence that points to illegal or prohibited activities. This ethics workshop considers new international professional ethics proposals for responding to non-compliance with laws and regulations (NOCLAR). This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Audit 305: Strengthening Substantive Analytic Procedures



2.00 Credits

Substantive Analytic Procedures - Strengthening Evidence to Satisfy Audit Objectives will provide the tips and best practice techniques for strengthening substantive analytic procedures in order to reduce over-reliance on tests of details. One of the ways to perform a more effective and efficient audit is to maximize the use of substantive analytic procedures in the detailed audit plan. Note: This course is recommended as a part of a 16-hour audit skills curriculum for in-charge or supervisor auditors, while it is also appropriate for anyone who has responsibilities for analytical procedures. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Take Your PowerPoint From Mess to Success



1.00 Credits

PowerPoint has become a ubiquitous tool in virtual and in-person meeting rooms around the world. However, it's a tool that is often misused, leading to boredom and frustration for audiences. A bored and frustrated audience will not receive your message, and you – the presenter – will not achieve your desired results. Many speakers know their slides are ineffective but don't know a better way. Well, here it is! This workshop is interactive, incorporating activities and exercises in order for participants to be able to apply the principles of effective communication of their ideas to real life situations.  The workshop is based on current research and covers the basics of effective PowerPoint design that works for you, not against you. 

2024 Best-In-Class Recruiting Strategies



1.00 Credits

With over 4.3 employees leaving their jobs as of early 2022, The Great Resignation presents a huge challenge for companies as they attract and retain talent. During this course, you'll learn practical strategies you can implement immediately to ensure you have the right tools in your toolbox to win the war on talent. 

Preparing to be a Forensic Accountant - Focus on Computer Forensics - Part 1



1.00 Credits

This course is a continuation of our series on preparing to become a forensic accountant. Within this segment we focus on elements of computer forensics. This session is designed to delve into further investigative procedures used in computer forensics.  

2024 Resolving Ethical Dilemmas-You Make the Call



1.50 Credits

By now, we should all understand the ethical obligations we have as CPAs.  So, theoretically, if we just all agree to remain ethical, we should not have CPA ethical violations.  But, of course, our professional ethics committees still have plenty of cases to investigate.  This session will examine several ethical frameworks, including the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct’s and the GAO Yellow Book’s Threats and Safeguards approach to remaining ethical and resolving ethical dilemmas.  The session will present several ethical case studies that illustrate the complexities of and challenges to staying ethical. By exercising our “ethical muscles”, we should be better positioned to effectively deal with the ethical dilemmas that we will inevitably encounter.

The Gift of a Challenging Audience: How to Connect and Engage With the Rebels in the Room



1.50 Credits

Every presenter has to deal with a difficult audience or audience member at one time or another. Professionals, however, because of topics or situations that are inherently uncomfortable, or because of mandated/resistant audience members, will face these audiences more frequently. It can be difficult to get a resistant audience/member to resonate with your message, but if they leave angry, uninspired, unmotivated or unlikely to act on your call to action, you don't get the results you need or want.  

2024 I want the TRUTH: Preparing to be an Expert Witness



2.00 Credits

Many practitioners dealing with government and not-for-profit issues are asked to serve as expert witnesses in courts of law or other adjudicatory venues.  This session will discuss key issues you need to know when you are asked to serve in this capacity, including: Applicable standards and other engagement acceptance considerations. Preparation requirements and techniques. Dos and don'ts of testifying. Avoiding commons traps and tricks designed to undermine your effectiveness. The session will conclude with a “mock cross-examination” with participants serving as the jury to identify what our witness does right and what he does wrong.

Getting Started with ESG



2.00 Credits

ESG, environmental, social, and governance, is a buzzword that is not only gaining traction but will be mandatory for a company's continued success. So what is ESG? What does it mean? Why is ESG important? What is the ROI of adopting ESG? Who should lead our ESG initiatives? How do we get started? These questions and more will be answered in this fast-paced session that will explain the ABCs of ESG. We will also outline a framework to begin your ESG journey. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

K2's 2023 Microsoft Teams



4.00 Credits

Microsoft Teams is one of the most exciting personal and organizationally productivity tools to ever appear on the business landscape. With Teams, you can communicate and collaborate easily and securely with others, including colleagues outside your organization. Further, you can extend the already-robust functionality in Teams by incorporating add-in solutions with just a few clicks of the mouse. Unfortunately, despite Teams’ power and relatively simple interface, many organizations struggle with deploying and using Teams.  In this session, you will learn how you can get up and running quickly in Teams so that you can take full advantage of this powerful tool. More specifically, you will learn how you can get started in Teams and critical decisions that will affect your deployment. Also, you will learn how to work in Teams, including how to take advantage of the chat, voice, and video call services and how to share documents securely with others. Moreover, you will learn how to extend your Teams platform to external organizations for improved communication and collaboration. Additionally, you will identify how you can add other applications into Teams and optimize Team's configuration for the best overall efficiency and security. If you are working with Teams or plan to do so, this is one CPE session you can’t afford to miss!

2024 Multistate Taxation - Issues and Planning Opportunities



8.00 Credits

Join our course on Multistate Taxation – Issues and Planning Opportunities designed for financial professionals. Learn about crucial topics like nexus implications, state taxable income calculations, and audit defense strategies. Gain practical insights to integrate these considerations into client financial plans effectively. From deciphering complex formulas to understanding state-specific regulations, this course equips you with actionable knowledge to excel in finance. Explore multistate business activities, choice of business entity, and interstate commerce clauses. By course completion, you'll be ready to identify common pitfalls, mitigate risks, and ensure compliance with multistate taxation. Join us and navigate the complexities of finance confidently. **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

Business Federal Tax Update - Navigating the Current Tax Landscape



8.00 Credits

Stay at the forefront of business income taxation with this essential course tailored for tax practitioners seeking to enhance their expertise. This course offers an in-depth review of the intricacies surrounding business income taxation, focusing on the latest developments for the current tax year. Dive into recent changes and updates within the tax code, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of the evolving tax landscape. Equip yourself to effectively navigate new regulations, guidelines, and strategies while assisting clients in optimizing their business income tax planning.  This course was updated in January of 2024 with an additional speaker, Shelli Huston. 

Creating A Coaching Culture in Your Company



3.00 Credits

This course explores the coaching principles, concepts, frameworks, techniques and competencies that will lead to a management style that  emphasizes coaching as a style in lieu of a more autocratic or even more participative approach.  The course illustrates how a coaching style leads to a highly desired company culture.  This process takes the attendee through a coaching process that can be applied to various situations.  Results from coaching are covered as are measuring the success of coaching.  The attendee will walk away with the skills necessary to begin leading their company towards a coaching culture that will leave employees motivated and driven to higher levels of innovation from the empowerment of the new coaching culture.

Thanks for the Feedback - Lessons in Giving and Receiving Feedback



1.00 Credits

Feedback is essential to development (bold) Whether we realize it or not, we are constantly giving and receiving feedback. Sometimes we dread it or dismiss it. But even if feedback is ill-timed, unfair or downright mean, we can use it for growth.

The Controllership Series - Addressing Cash Flow and Forecasting Uncertainty



1.50 Credits

These are uncertain times. With constant economic fluctuation, geopolitical uncertainty and inflation pressures, corporations and their professionals are facing challenges at every turn. The Controllership function is accustomed to dealing with changing variables but when the change is constant and every evolving, even the simplest of tasks like cash flow and cash forecasting can become difficult.  This webinar is to focus on what methods the controller can elicit to attempt to address the current uncertainty when working with their cash flow issues and forecasting. Of course, there are basic measures that can be employed such as: Proactively managing receivables and payables Automate your accounts payable and receivables process Keep business expenses at a minimum Work with digital methods of payment from vendors Use credit wisely However, this webinar will explore methods used to create and manage your cash flow and forecasting processes. These methods go one-step past your typical forecasting to enable management to explore various alternatives and scenarios for the business.

ChatGPT for Accountants: 50+ Use Cases



2.00 Credits

This course will explore the use of ChatGPT and artificial intelligence chatbot technologies in the accounting profession. Participants will learn how to utilize ChatGPT to automate tasks, improve efficiency and accuracy, and provide real-time support to clients. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Achieve Competency in Three Basic Tool Categories - Master the Fundamentals



4.00 Credits

Financial skills needed in many situations are constantly changing.  It is prudent to routinely look into your toolbox to restock or revise your tool set.  In this course we will examine three tool categories that form the foundation for many analytical processes.

Mock CPA Exam - Virtual


St Louis

0.00 Credits

For many candidates taking the CPA exam can be one of the biggest obstacles when transitioning into the profession.  Often candidates are not sure if they have studied enough or focused on the relevant areas for each section.  In order to help, Surgent has offered MOCPA student members and CPA exam candidates a means to best prepare and study for the exam. MOCPA is pleased to offer a FREE CPA exam simulation of the exam section of your choice.  Don't miss this unique opportunity to experience the CPA exam and to receive your test results onsite.  Questions are laid out according to the Uniform CPA Examination Blueprints. Click here for the most current version. Surgent CPA Review has offered to assist and guide CPA candidates through a 4-hour session where they will be immersed in an exam taking environment and walk away with insight on areas of focus for when you take the real thing!             The goal is to simulate the environment and format of taking the CPA Exam, using actual m/c questions and simulations.  Students who register will be able to select the exam portion of their choice and receive feedback.  At the conclusion of the Mock Exam, candidates will receive their Exam ReadySCORE along with a diagnostic report showing areas of strength and weakness which are aligned with the CPA Exam Blueprint. Time:  12 p.m. to 4 p.m.  Live simulation will begin at 12 p.m. and conclude at 4 p.m.Advance registration and selection of the exam section of your choice is required.  The email address that you use to register for this event will be used by Surgent to set up simulation.  This will expedite the start of the simulation and provide you proper access.  For any questions, please contact Liz Schaetzel at (314) 392-5834 or